OptoPlate-96 Bugaj Lab

Founding developer Lukasz Bugaj

Accessories for OptoPlate-96 Bugaj Lab

Founding developer Lukasz Bugaj

Lukasz Bugaj works at the Department of Bioengineering, University of Pennsylvania. His research focus is on the mechanisms that govern essential cell decisions like growth, differentiation, and death.

The OptoPlate-96 permits high-throughput three-color optogenetics experiments with simultaneous manipulation of red- and blue-light-sensitive optogenetic probes. Its design prevents cross-illumination between microwells in 96-well plates. An active cooling system minimizes sample heating during light-intensive experiments. Each well position can also illuminate 4-wells of a 384-well plate.


Multi-colour optogenetics provides a method for analysing multi-pathway cell networks in a systematic manner.

  • Immunofluorescence analysis
  • Fits both 96-well plates and 384-well plates
  • Three colours to stimulate common mammalian cell optogenetics probes


  • Offers data-rich experiments with precise perturbations and high-throughput
  • Three wavelengths: Far-Red (780nm), Red (630 nm) and Blue (470 nm)
  • Independent control of stimulation colours, intensity, dynamics, and time points
  • Arduino microcontroller stores and executes user-defined illumination profiles


  • Light isolated lid
  • 96 or 384 well plate
  • OptoPlate illuminator: 470, 630, and 780 nm (standard: others on request)
  • Thermal pad
  • Aluminium plate
  • Heat sink with fan
  • Base plate
  • Power supplies (US only)


Fulfilment of new orders will be done in 6-8 weeks from ordering.


LJ Bugaj & WA Lim (2019). High-throughput multicolor optogenetics in microwell plates. Nature Protocols, 142205–2228.

Thomas, OS, Hörner, M & Weber, W (2020). A graphical user interface to design high-throughput optogenetic experiments with the optoPlate-96. Nature Protocols

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