Founding developers Daniel Aharoni, Peyman Golshani, Alcino Silva, and Baljit Khakh
$345.00 USD
Founding developers Daniel Aharoni, Peyman Golshani, Alcino Silva, and Baljit Khakh
The Golshani, Silva, and Khakh Labs at the University of California, Los Angeles, with Daniel Aharoni as main coordinator collaborated in the development of the Miniscope. Its design was pioneered by Mark Schnitzer's Lab at Stanford and published in Nature Methods in 2011. The UCLA miniscope community maintains a WiKi to help disseminate this open source technology to the larger neuroscience community.
Data Acquisition PCB (V3.2) for UCLA Miniscope
The Data Acquisition PCB mediates communication between the Miniscope and the PC. It connects over high speed USB 3.0.
DAQ PCB provided in default configuration with tactile switch and jumpers
Fully programmed with the current firmware flashed to the EEPROM.